Nestled in the heart of the Picardy countryside, halfway between Saint-Quentin and Laon, the farm of Puisieux hides a treasure: its craft workshop entirely dedicated to the manufacture of Pamplemousse stuffed animals and dolls.
The Confection
Pamplemousse makes it a point of honor to carefully choose each of its components, each of its craftsmen to create, manufacture and perpetuate the best in plush. From design to completion, each step is conscientiously carried out in our workshops in order to control the entire production as well as the high quality of our products.
With patience and tenderness, 8 seamstresses work daily to give life to the stuffed animals and dolls imagined by the siblings.
The Studio
A veritable creative incubator, the Atelier also includes a design and prototyping studio.
Creative minds are bubbling at Pamplemousse and regularly give birth to stuffed animals joining the ranks of this beautiful family.
Here, the imagination has all the rights and the power to push the limits of the possible and the imaginary.